US Strategic Partnering

globalsolutionsconsultingMost U.S. Major International Companies have an average 60 or more strategic partnering around the world where they receive 35% of sales revenues from alliances with other companies which also has an impact of 1% stock value growth each time a new deal announced.

But As we all know M&A Transaction can be costly if it fails and half of the deals normally fail due to unequal sizes of the parties’ breach of promises, culture and etc…  The need for Strategic Partnering & Relations Play the curial role in successful M&A transactions maybe years before the deal takes place. We bring together senior professionals to explore how to concretely work with both successful and flawed business partnerships within the organization. Our approach does not include any parties that have conflict of interest in it such as lawyers and Investment bankers and their questionable synergy ideas it’s plainly done between the partnering entity’s senior executives before the alliance deal in place.



Studies have shown that year after the deal people who are involved in M&A Transactions pay less attention to a new venture’s targets and goals due to quick result seeking personalities that most managers have.

We help small and mid size companies to identify their business partnering opportunities in the U.S.


Our approach assists you analyzing your possible future business partner’s business ethics and performance.  We provide you the necessary reports so you and your company’s board can decide to take the strategic partnering to a next level.

Reasons for Aligning:

  • Search for New Markets
  • Having access to new and converging technologies
  • Gaining experience for doing business in another country
  • diversifying a new business
  • Cost Sharing
  • Access to innovations
  • Developing new products and technologies
  • Risk Reduction and Diversification
  • Gaining competitive advantage
  • Overcoming legal/ regulatory barriers


We help and motivate organizations for foundation of a new partnership between U.S and International Companies. As well as laying the ground work for partnering we also offer additional services to support your presence in the U.S

  • Structuring the alliance
  • Value Creating
  • Partnership Strategy Building

How It Works



Our company is not big to do strategic alliances and be international company, but we need alliances to build value to our company, what are your suggestions for us?

Strategic alliances are not based on your company size because any company can decide their own project and budget related to it without spending millions. Strategic alliances are also can be road map guidance before the companies’ bigger investments plans.  For instance, if you decide to do manufacturing in U.S, you will need to invest millions of dollars versus to have alliance with U.S Company for contract manufacturing agreement for 2-3 years.  Where you will have access to actual financial reports to make the decision to manufacture or not which might save you a lot if the report is negative

How should I motivate myself for an alliance with U.S companies?

Alliances are inexpensive way to sustain growth and help your company being international. You may always compare U.S alliances with their advantages and disadvantages with domestic alliances in your home country because we believe that U.S is most advantageous country in world doing business.

How much will be your consulting fee and other related fees?

After we receive your application form we will do a basic research and give you expert opinion if you prefer to start the alliance process we will prepare and send a presentation and letter of intent to prospected companies in U.S. Fee schedule as follows;

Providing opinion letter about your strategic partnering approach in U.S: $3900

Searching and offering you additional companies to be partner in U.S as well as the companies you have chosen. : FREE

Sending letter of intent to possible partner companies in U.S: FREE

Preparing the presentation: $2900

Will you charge fee to my potential U.S companies as well?

No our fee is fixed and paid by only the fist applicant.

How long it will take to build a partnership in U.S?

Keep in mind that everybody wants to do strategic partnering deals but some offers may not find appropriate partners but in general it may take up to six months.

Will there be any taxes to pay quarterly or annually?

if your alliance is part of selling goods in U.S  or manufacturing there will be taxes due  probably the way like your own country.

Who will manage the new alliance operations?

We do not provide any consulting work after the negation starts this must be your own duty because we believe that   there are no consultants or experts knowing your company more than yourself. You can name our service just to motivate the partners if believe that your offer has potential.

What is your role clearly for strategic partnering with U.S. companies?

First service is; to identify possible U.S companies to be partnered and prepare the documents to start the negations

Why should I have strategic alliances with U.S companies?

In our opinion U.S companies are more successful internationally than others  in terms of launching operations in other countries and managing them.

Will I need lawyer during the negotiations and signing the deal?

New alliance must have its own legal advisor lawyer and your own attorney can be representing you.
We do have expert in their fields attorneys for your alliance as well which you will have their information.

How will I build my exit strategy from the alliance?

The exit strategy must be build for all participants and it’s your own favor to research this at the beginning of the process because we also need your exit strategy in order to build the presentations to your U.S partners.

Who will draft the alliance agreement?

The attorney of the new alliance

How should I choose partners?

We do suggest lay the business plan first with all the steps and identify your weaknesses first. And try to locate companies that are good at your weakness approaches.  They could be U.C companies that you are doing business already.

Can the strategic alliance be based in my country not in U.S?

Yes in that case we will need additional information about your alliance project.

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