US Investor Visas

United States of America attracts thousands of people around the world to live and do business due to high standards of living and higher success rates for doing business versus to other countries.

There are two types investment visas offered to foreigners in the U.S.  EB-2 & EB-5 Visas.


E-2 Visas

E2-visa-300x294E2 visa is similar to a green card it allows individuals live in the U.S almost under the same rights as a native born American citizen, except the voting rights and some minor rights. E2 visas can be described as a long term visa issued to an individual whom main goal is to do business in the U.S and have success while operating.

E2 visa businesses can also employ skilled workers from outside the U.S for instance an ethnic food restaurant can file for E1 visa status for employees, after doing legitimate efforts for finding that specific employee in the U.S , or it could be machine operator. Criteria is when the employee is not found in the U.S and if any benefit for the business


E2 Visa applicant must buy a business in the U.S that has been generating profit or if it is a new business must prove that the new business will generate income to. If the business employs U.S citizens already it is an applicant’s favor or if it will

Must be a citizen of E2 treaty Countries (please check list below)

Interview by our agents before official steps to apply for an E2 visa which is important because even if your investment is strong if you do not have a mindset of living and doing business in the U.S your E2 visa application might get a rejection by the U.S consulate, so therefore our agents opinion about possibility of receiving the visa is important.

EB-5 Visas

EB-5 Visas are given to minimum 500,000 USD and 10 full – time job creators in states with  high unemployed  rates such as: New York, California, Illinois and etc..

Benefits of EB-5 Visas are same as the EB-2 Visas except that EB-5 Visa Holders can apply for U.S citizenship. Eb-5 Visas are the best choice for those who want to be An American citizen.

Please read frequently asked questions by clicking here

What type of investments qualifies for EB-5 Visa Status?

Active investments such as, retail store, manufacturing and etc…

I want to invest and get a green card in the U.S, Is the EB-5 Visa suitable for me?

EB-5 Visa Status is just like the green card even with the tights to apply for citizenship after the second year.

How long must I remain in the U.S each year?

Minimum 180 days per year.

What if I want to stay less than 180 days in the U.S?

Reasons for stating less than 180 days needs to be documented and attorney will require special permit from the USCIS.

How the escrow bank account system works in the U.S?

Your cash or wire deposit gets hold in attorney’s interest bearing escrow account to be released after the visa approval.

How long the process takes after I start proceeding?

It depends on your business plan and availability of the business you are planning to do in the U.S.

But when everything is in place it normally takes 6-9 months.

Are there any country excluded from eligibility for the EB-5 Visa program?

I have heard that every year 100,000 visas gets issued every year which is the limit What if my application gets denied due to high number of applications to U.S consulates around the world?

We work in timely manner however; in that case we can apply for the next following year after the first application if you can hold the investment plans you will be actually making.

What information and documentation required for EB-5 Visa application?

Your professional background, Eligibility of doing business in the U.S such us; work experience in the same industry in your own country and etc.  Source of funds, lest five years tax return papers, and some additional papers to be provided the list depends on every application.

Can my investment qualify for any type of government incentives?

To qualify for an incentive your investment must be large and must create dozens or hundreds full-time jobs and also depends on following criteria’s such as; industry, state and etc. we also help investors to get maximum incentives from U.S Government authorities please click here  to view our service for incentives.

Must I be in Good health?


What are the benefits of having a U.S Green Card?

The benefits of having a Green Card differ for each applicant but it’s always advantage to have a residency in the U.S.


Can you guarantee success in my case? Like all areas of the law, there is no guarantee of success. However, there are several factors that we look at to determine the likelihood of success for investors that approach us. During a professional  consultation we are able to determine the merits of a case and advise accordingly. We limit our representation to cases where we feel there is a great chance of success and  we will be candid in evaluating your case.

We hope that the answers to these questions are helpful to those seeking to invest in the U.S. economy as E-2 Investors. If you have questions about your ability to obtain an E2 Investor Visa contact us today.


United States of America is the world most welcomed country to immigrants and entrepreneurs
therefore E2 visas are created by U.S lawmakers in order to bring qualified people and investors to the country.

There are numerous Advantages of E2 visas:

  • There is no set minimum investment required but we do suggest that investors from 100K-150K would be a good applicant to receive an E2 visa.
  • The investors’ spouse will receive residency and work authorization.
  • Investor’s children under 21 can take advantage free schools system: preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school and in state tuition degree programs.
  • For some certain type of businesses E2 visa holder or the investor do not need to live or work in the U.S  if they wish to, our programs are designed to manage your U.S business from overseas.


Working with us on your E2 or E1 applications and Business investment will protect your investment and you will have more chances of getting visa approval because of our wide range services and office in the U.S, visa issuers at the U.S consulates will receive clear and full documents which will help both the applicant and Consulate staff to make better decisions on your application.

As well as guiding you step by step for your new venture, we also have following assistance to new business investors coming to the U.S

How It Works

HOW IT WORKS – Please right-click and select Save As to download the How it works PDF file


Who is the E-2 Investor Visa for?

The E2 investor visa was created especially for business owners, managers, and employees who need to remain in the U.S. for extended periods of time in order to fill a key role with the company, either as an investor who will develop and direct the investment, or as a qualified employee necessary for the development of the investment.

How long is the E-2 Investor Visa good for?

The initial stay for E2 investors is usually granted for two years, but this time period can be extended almost indefinitely as long as the investment continues and the foreign national affirms that they will leave the United States when their period of authorized stay comes to an end.

Can my spouse work in the United States?


Yes. Once the E2 visa is approved and you arrive in the United States, your spouse can apply for work authorization. We will assist you with this once you are in the United States.

I’ve heard that your children are forced to leave the United States when they reach 21, is this true?

When your children reach the age of 21, they are no longer permitted to stay in the United States on a derivate E2 visa (i.e. on the basis of a parent’s E2 visa approval). Your children would have to either leave the United States or apply for a visa in their own right. For example, if your child was studying at a University, they could apply for a Student’s visa to allow them to finish their studies. Prior to them completing their studies and obtaining a degree qualification, they could try and secure employment from a United States employer and apply for a H1B Visa. Alternatively, your child could buy a business or start a business and apply for an E2 visa in their own right.

Is there a minimum investment amount to qualify for treaty investor status?

An investor must make a substantial investment to qualify for E-2 visa status. While there is no minimum amount, an investment of less than $100,000 to $150,000 will face close scrutiny. In general, the larger the investment, the greater the credibility the application has. Note that for small businesses, you will be expected to have invested the great majority of the purchase price in cash.

What kind of businesses qualify?

All businesses can qualify. What is critical is that the business generates more than enough income to support you and your family and creates employment. Choose a business you can run effectively and will enjoy! Remember, though, that there are restrictions on financing. For example, if you want to buy a motel with a small down payment, you could run into difficulties.

Do home base businesses can qualify for E-2 Visa?

No. As a real and active enterprise you must either own a commercial business premises or have a commercial lease for an actual business premises. Unless if you are doing a large investment in the U.S and hiring U.S citizen employees.

I am now in the US in H-1, F-1, or L-1 status; can I apply for E-2 visa?

Yes, as long as you are a citizen of a treaty country and meet the requirement of the E-2 visa, you can apply for status change.

If I buy an apartment and rent it out, would I be qualified for E-2 visa?

No, that would be rejected as a marginal enterprise and a passive investment unless the scale of the investment involves hiring of employees and active management of the investor.

Do I need to get the USCIS approval before I go to the US consulate for E-2 investor visa interview?

No, USCIS and U.S. consulates are overseen by two different government entities. The Department of Homeland Security oversees USCIS and the State Department oversees the consulates. The two agencies may interact on your re-entry, but for the initial E-2 application it will only be handled by one or the other based on your decision to change your status

Can I invest in a franchise business for the E-2 visa application?

Yes, the same stipulations apply to purchasing a franchise business as any other, whether it be a new operation or an existing enterprise. As a matter of fact, franchise business tends to be more acceptable for E-2 visa application since franchises typically have their own minimum standard, which tend to exceed the requirement for E-2 business.

What can I do on an E-2 visa?

As an E-2 visa holder you can

• Work legally in the U.S. but only for the company into which the investment was

made• Travel freely to and from the U.S.

• Bring your dependents to the U.S. Your spouse can also work in the U.S.

What are the limitations of an E-2 visa?

• You can work legally only for the company into which the investment was made

• Visas are available only to foreign nationals of countries that have trade treaties

With the U.S

Can I study on an E-2 visa?

Yes, you may study on E-2 visa. You may take up a few credits at a university provided

they do not affect your primary activities under the visa.

How long is an E-2 visa valid for, and can I renew my E-2 Visa?

E-2 Visas are typically valid for 5 years, however, this depends on your country of permanent residence. E-2 visas can be renewed for 5 years at a time, and you may also obtain 2 year status extensions. In this regard, with an E-2 visa, you may remain in the United States indefinitely, as long as you remain qualified for the E-2 visa.

Can I apply for a green card while on E-2  visa status? 

You are eligible to apply for a Green Card while under E-2 status as long as you meet the guidelines for one of the following methods:

  • EB-1 Green Card: You can obtain a green card while under E-2 status if you are an “Alien of Extraordinary ability” or a “Multinational Manager or Executive.” If you find yourself in one of these categories, you can file an immigration petition under one of these categories.
  • Family Based Immigration Green Card: You may obtain a green card if you have close relatives in the United States. Your relatives may file a petition in this case.
  • National interest Waiver: If you are an “alien of exceptional ability,” have an advanced degree or an equivalent level of experience, and can show that your services will greatly benefit the United States, then you may file a National Interest Waiver (NIW).
  • Employment Based Immigration: If you can find an employer who is willing to file a Labor Certification form with the Department of Labor, then you may qualify for a green card through the employment based immigration process.
  •  Can you guarantee success in my case? Like all areas of the law, there is no guarantee of success. However, there are several factors that we look at to determine the likelihood of success for investors that approach us. During a professional  consultation we are able to determine the merits of a case and advise accordingly. We limit our representation to cases where we feel there is a great chance of success and  we will be candid in evaluating your case.

We hope that the answers to these questions are helpful to those seeking to invest in the U.S. economy as E-2 Investors. If you have questions about your ability to obtain an E2 Investor Visa contact us today.

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